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1900 South Jones Blvd,
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Phone: (702) 871-4746
Toll-free: (877) 871-4746
Become a member of your financial institution, not just another bank customer.
If you or someone in your family belongs to any one of the groups listed below, you qualify to become a member and can enjoy all the benefits that we offer.
SEG List
20/20 Eye Care
A. Philip Randolph Institute
A.J. Evans Painting
ABC / Union Cab Company
Ace Cab Company
Acme Electric
AFL / CIO Affiliated Unions
AFL / CIO Retirees Council
Amalgamated Transit
American Federation Government Employees - AFGE #1978
American Federation of Teachers #2170
American Postal Workers Union #761
APBA Union 231
Barbers & Beauticians
Bartenders #165
Bartenders JATC
Best Glass Company
Bishop Gorman High School
Boilermakers #92
Boilermakers Nat'l Apprtshp.
Bonanza Printers
Bricklayers #3
Bricklayers #92
Bullock Insulation
Carpenters #1780 (Hotel & Industrial)
Carpenters #1977 (Construction)
Carpenters #897 (Laughlin)
Catholics Diocese of Reno/Las Vegas
Central Park West
Checker Cab Company
Chemical Allied Products #20
Church at South Las Vegas
Cinderella Careschool
Coalition of Labor Union Woman
Coker Equipment
Collection (Credit) Bureau Central
Communications Worker #9413
Converse Consultants
Copy Cat Printing
Credit Union Employees Outside Of Plus Credit Union
CSR (Formerly WMK)
Culinary Training Center
Culinary Workers #226Dawson, Kent, Chrtd.
Dominos Pizza
DPN, INC. (Formerly Data Processors of NV)
Driven For Life
Economic Opportunity Board (EOB)
Elevator Constructors #18
Elevators & Fire Sprinklers
Family of Existing CU Members
Family of PLUS CU Employees
Fastener's & Supply Company
Firefighters - Henderson #1883
Firefighters #1285
Firefighters #1607
Firefighters #1908
Fleet Delivery Service
Floor Covers Glazers Allied Trades #2001
Gill's Printing
Glaziers #2001
Gold Spike Casino (Payroll through El Cortez)
Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors
H&H Contracting
Hansen Mechanical
Heat & Frost Insulators / Asbestos Workers #135
Henderson Cab Company
Henderson Police Officers #49
Highway Rentals
Holiday Royale
Hotel Emp. & Restaurant Emp. #226
IBEW #357
IBEW #396
IGT - Int'l Gaming Company
Ikon Office Solutions (formerly Valley Office Systems)
Industrial Medical Group
Int'l Alliance of Theatrical Employees #720
Int'l Alliance of Theatrical Employees Dist.2Ironworkers #118
Ironworkers #155
Ironworkers #416
Ironworkers #433
Ironworkers Dist Council
Ironworkers JATC
ITPEU - Industrial, Technical & Professional Employees Union
IUBAC - International Union of Bricklayers & Allied Craftsman #13
Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee #669
JS&S, Inc.
Laborers #872
Laborers Training Trust
Las Vegas Police Protective Assoc. #23
Machinist #845
Machinist & Aerospace Workers #519
Merck Medco - PACE #8675
Merck Medco - RWSDU #8675
Millwrights #1827
MJ Dean
Mojave Electric
Musicians #369
National Association of Letter Carriers #502
National Maritime Union of America District 3
Nat'l Assn. of Letter Carriers #2502
Nevada Baking
Nevada Beverage Co.
Nevada Ready Mix
Nevada Service Employees #1107
Non-Members - Repo's only
North Las Vegas Cab Co.
North Las Vegas Police #41
Office & Pro. Emp. Int'l Union #277
Operating Engineers #12
Operating Engineers #501
Operating Engineers JATC
Opportunity Village
Painters #159
Painters JATC
Paper, Allied Ind. Chemical & Energy Workers Int'l #8-675 (Formerly OCAW 1-675)
Par Electric
Plasterer's & Cement Masons #797
Plasterer's & Cement Masons JATC
Plumbers & Pipefitters #525
Plumbers & Pipefitters JATC
Plus Credit Union Employees
Police Protective Association
Professional Office Union
Quality Mechanical
Rebel Oil (Auto Flight)
Retirees in Southern Nevada
Road Sprinkler Fitters #669
Roofers #162
Roofers JATC
Service Employees Int'l Union #1107
Sheet Metal #88
Sheet Metal JATC
Silverstate Disposal
Solar City
Southern Nevada Brick, Tile, Marble & Stone J.A.
Southwest Air Conditioning
Star Cab Co.
State of NV Employees Assoc. / AFSCME #4041
Statewide / Other
Stationary E.E. Hotel/Casino
Sweetheart Cup
Teamsters #14
Teamsters #631
Teamsters #995
Transport Workers #502
Transport Workers #555
Typographical #88
Typographical #933
Union Affiliated
Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Employees AFL-CIO CLC (Unite) Nevada District #299
United Food & Commercial Workers #711
United Labor Agency of Nevada (ULAN)
United Optical Workers #408
United Steel Workers of America #4856 and #711
United Transportation #105 and #1117
UPS - United Parcel Service
Utility Workers #246
Vegas / Western Cab Co.
Westward Ho Casino Las Vegas
Yellow Cab Co.